Platelets are well-known for their clotting abilities, but they also contain growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration or healing in the treated area.
We all have platelets in our blood. PRP is 3-step procedure that involves having your blood
- Drawn your blood sample
- Place your sample into a machine that separates the platelets from the rest of your blood
- Re-injected the part of your blood that contains a high concentration of platelets

After your blood has been taken it is mixed with biotin booster which is then centrifuged and injected into the scalp or eyebrows using small needles. After the PRP injections are delivered a course of microneedling will take place and is finished off with a plasma scalp treatment.
Using specialised injecting techniques Yasmin can cater to her clients’ individual hair re-growth needs. Apart from general hair loss Yasmin treats specific circumstances such as hair transplant, alopecia, hair-loss due to partings, post-partum hair loss and thinning due to menopause.

PRP is a unique treatment that encourages growth and regeneration in your skin by using your body’s natural healing ability.
It is an effective procedure for those who have any premature wrinkles, sun damaged skin, pigmentation and acne scarring.
Unlike many clinics offering PRP which use only microneedling and blood plasma Yasmin uses a medical needle which enables her to individually inject the plasma and vitamin complex using concise technique into the correct depth of skin to give optimum results, then finally finishes off with microneedling, hyaluronic acid and a plasma facial.
Frequently Asked Questions PRP
What is PRP?
PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. This is produced when a sample of a person’s blood is taken and spun in a machine called a centrifuge. This separates it into ‘Plasma’ which is rich in proteins including factors for growth and rejuvenation. These are applied usually for cosmetic treatments into the hair regrowth and skin rejuvenation.
How long does PRP treatment take?
Expected treatment during is one hour and fifteen minutes for the numbing cream to activate
What is the downtime?
Minimal down time allowing clients to continue their day with no significant impact or recovery time
Is PRP painful?
Premium numbing cream is applied prior to treatment and while pain thresholds different the procedure has been described more often as causing mild discomfort only.
What is a “booster” PRP
Any additional device or additive added to regular PRP which will increase the resired PRP results.
What is biotin?
A “booster” to PRP is Biotin, which is Vitamin B7. This is one of our ‘boosters’ which complements PRP treatment. Biotin is injected alongside PRP into the hair or skin giving it a concentrated effect on the treatment area. Both skin and hair are made of Keratin which is how Biotin helps.
How does Microneedling help after PRP is injected?
Microneedling PRP is another “booster” and creates a series of very superficial puncture sites in the scalp and skin with a Dermaroller/Dermapen.
Other clinics may use Microneedling then place the blood plasma on top like a cream but to get Yasmin’s desired result, although individual injections take longer and require more technique and training it will give a better outcome than Microneedling alone. Yasmin will finish all her PRP skin treatments with Microneedling and it can be added as a “booster” for hair PRP.
Initially the plasma is injected directly into the correct area and depth which Microneedling alone cannot achieve as it only punctures the skin on the surface.
How long does PRP take to work?
Results especially for PRP facials can begin to be noticed from 72 hours onwards but generally are most noticeable 4-6 weeks after the treatment.
How often should I have PRP?
The beneficial effects of PRP last around 2-3 months and therefore a minimum of 4 treatments are recommended in a year to be able to get optimal results.