Sunekos' formula makes it incredibly versatile can be administered on the; face, eyes, neck, decollete, hands, arms, inner thighs and knees.
Sunekos' patented formula combines amino acids (the essential building blocks of elastin and collagen) with hyaluronic acid.
Sunekos regenerates the Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) of your skin by stimulating fibroblasts in the skin to produce collagen and elastin. It is ideal for those who want to restore the naturally youthful look of your skin and improve signs of ageing with or without the use of botox and fillers.
Sunekos can treat various indications, including; loss of tone, skin ageing and premature skin ageing, skin dryness, solar elastosis, acne scarring, sun damage, dark circles under the eyes and fine lines and wrinkles.
Sagging skin and severe wrinkles can be treated using Sunekos 200 and Sunekos 1200 in combination for a “cushion” technique.